Mineral oil components such as MOSH (mineral oil saturated hydrocarbons) and MOAH (mineral oil aromatic hydrocarbons) can be identified almost everywhere in food and food packaging. They can infiltrate food of both plant and livestock origin in different ways, e.g. through migration. MOSH and MOAH can accumulate in body fat and organs.

As a world-leading manufacturer on analytical instrumentation, Shimadzu provides insights into regulations, technologies, and applications around MOSH/MOAH. During a one-day seminar, international experts from industry and science present their latest findings, solutions, and methods.


MOSH/MOAH seminar on regulations, applications, and solutions


Shimadzu, Albert-Hahn-Strasse 6-10, Duisburg, Germany


February 7, 2018, 10 am – 4 pm

Getting on the safe side! Benefit from this hands-on seminar covering hardware and software, a workshop session, discussion, and interaction. The seminar is free of charge.

For registration, just click here

Program: Getting on the safe side - MOSH/MOAH Seminar in Duisburg, Germany

10:00 Welcome and Introduction
Uwe Oppermann, Shimadzu Europa GmbH
10:15 Why do we need MOSH/ MOAH Analysis?
Basics of the LC-GC Technique
Dr. Andreas Bruchmann, Axel Semrau GmbH & Co KG
- Explanation of System Configuration
- System Setup & Software
11:00 Overview of Important Applications
Mineral Oil Residues in Food
Prof. Dr. Erich Leitner, Graz University of Technology
12:00 Further LC-GC Solutions apart from MOSH/MOAH
Dr. Andreas Bruchmann
12:30 Lunch Break
13:30 Workshop Session
Matthias Groschke, Axel Semrau GmbH & Co KG
- Application, Hardware & Software
15:30 Questions & Answers
Final Discussion
16:00 End of Seminar

Shimadzu Europa GmbH
Albert-Hahn-Str. 6-10 · D-47269 Duisburg, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)203-7687-0 · Fax.: +49 (0)203-766625
shimadzu@shimadzu.eu · www.shimadzu.eu