Benefit from a fulll day of presentations and networking on Pyrolysis Analyses of additives, adhesives, inks, batteries and solid fuels while getting insights into the latest applications and methods. Exchange ideas and experiences with scientists and experts from different fields, using the technology of pyrolysis combines with GC-MS. During this meeting you will also have the opportunity to visit the Shimadzu Laboratory World, including the full range of analytical instrumentation. 



08:30 am Registration
09:00 am Welcome and Introduction
09:15 am Shimadzu News
09:45 am Frontier Lab News
10:15 am
Thermal desorption/pyrolysis GC-MS for defect analysis
Frank Puype, Czech Republic
10:50 am Coffee Break
11:20 am
Pyrolysis GC-MS for the analysis of elastomers and thermosets
Dr. Malz, LBF Fraunhofer-Institut Darmstadt, Germany
11:50 am
Pyrolysis GC-MS - GC-TDC: Analysis of broad product distributions evolving during coal pyrolysis
Till Eckhard, RUB Technische Chemie (Kohleanalytik) Bochum, Germany
12:30 pm Lunch
13:30 pm
Py-GC-MS a tool for the elucidation of flame retardants action
Prof. Gaëlle Fontaine, University of Lille, France
14:00 pm
The role and importance of Py-GC/MS in Heritage Science
Valentina Pintus, Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Austria
14:30 pm Tips and tricks for maintenance and service
15:00 pm
Laboratory World Tour
16:00 pm End